Online vs. In-Person Music Lessons - Which is Better?

2020 has been a complete whirlwind and has presented so many unprecedented challenges for everyone, from healthcare workers to business owners, their employees, and of course PARENTS! With kids at home 24/7 it became a challenge to try to balance their lives and not let the quarantine become a time of all day video games and tablet time. It was time to find new hobbies and activities, and learning music is a great skill that keeps kids engaged and benefits them for many years to come. 

Many parents reach out to us here at Opus Music School with questions about how music lessons work online. Is it effective? Will my child be able to get the attention they need? Will it be the same as in person lessons? Can my child still learn music online and have the same level of quality as in person lessons?

While students and teachers at Opus Music School have been doing a fantastic job with the switch to virtual lessons, there are some differences in learning online vs. in person. In the end it will be up to both the parent and the student as to how they will learn best. Here at Opus we have compiled a list of pros and cons to both methods that can help you make the best, informed decision for your child’s music education.

Virtual Lessons 

Virtual lessons means distance learning lessons that occur remotely with a teacher and student in separate locations. A video conferencing platform such as Zoom and Skype is used to connect online.

Virtual Lessons - PROS: 

  • Incorporation Of Technology: During online lessons your teacher can easily share high quality audio, virtual music games, YouTube videos for you to reference, and much more. This can allow you to access digital materials more readily as well without having to print out music or potentially lose it. Your teacher can also use different camera angles to help in your understanding of techniques or fingerings for piano and string instruments.

  • Convenience: Let’s face it, parents are very busy nowadays. Juggling work, multiple activities for the kids, and a home life can be very time consuming, so having an activity that can be done from home can save a significant amount of time. Learning from home is very helpful for busy families in that travel time is not a factor. When determining your lesson time there will be no need to account for the time it takes to get to the school or worry about traffic. Plus it allows you to save money on gas! 

  • Wider Variety of Teaching Tools: Your teacher can have access to more interactive tools, such as online flashcards, animated slides, online music games, virtual whiteboards, and more. Many students find success using additional teaching aides like these. 

  • Familiarity: Since many students have been taking their regular school classes online lately they’ve grown accustomed to taking virtual lessons. Being in a home environment while they learn can be comforting to students and allows them to make their practice and learning space their own. Students also are using their personal instruments that they practice on regularly instead of having to adjust to one that they’re not used to playing which can eat up some of their lesson time! 

Virtual Lessons - CONS:

  • Internet and Connection Issues: A bad internet connection can make it difficult to focus if you are having to wait for your screen to load or the lag of the audio to catch up to the visual. This can also make it tough to try to play at the same time as your teacher.

  • Visibility: Depending on camera angle, it can sometimes be difficult to see your teacher's hand placement on the instrument. Although this can be corrected sometimes by moving a laptop or tablet, some setups may not allow for the camera to be moved so you can only see from a certain angle.

  • Focus: Even though many students have adjusted well to taking online classes and may be used to it, some students, especially younger kids can sometimes have a difficult time focusing on a screen. Also if there are other things going on around them ie their siblings playing or other distractions they may be tempted to not pay as much attention to their lesson.

In person lessons

In person lessons means learning that occurs where the teacher and student are in the same room and have in person interaction.

In-Person Lessons - PROS:

  • Hands-On Instruction and Demonstration: When you take lessons in person your teacher can demonstrate in person and help adjust your hands as needed. Since playing an instrument is a tactile/physical skill, sometimes demonstrating the hands is easier to see in person.

  • Synchronicity: Student and teacher can play at the same time with no time delay or lag. Playing alongside the instructor can help you pick up on mistakes you make or help you understand rhythms and techniques that you might otherwise miss. Duets are also possible.

  • Building a Bond with your Teacher: Even though you still get to have the undivided attention of your teacher learning virtually and will still be able to bond, it can be nice for kids to have the in person connection with their instructor, and engage in motivating things as simple as a high five. 

In-Person Lessons - CONS:

  • Travel: Even though it can be nice to get out of the house sometimes, having to budget your time every week to commute in person for your lesson can be a hassle. Depending on how far you live, gas costs can definitely add up as well when you make a roundtrip each week to your lesson!

  • Less Availability: Our school may be the biggest music school in Hacienda Heights but due to our popularity at times we have limited capacity and availability. That means some teachers are limited to select days of the week meaning the time slots that work best for you may already be taken. Teaching remotely gives Opus teachers the chance to take an extra student or two on days when they don’t normally teach since the commute time is also more ideal for our teachers! 

  • Wait Time For Parents: When your child comes in person for their lesson that usually means parents are waiting there for them while they take their lesson. Some people are happy to have a little time to read a book or browse on their phone but it can also be stressful if you have other children who you have to keep entertained or if you have a busy schedule due to other activities or have work commitments! In addition, in the near future, with new safety precautions in place, many businesses have stricter occupancy limits to ensure the safety of their staff and clients which means you may have to wait in your car or outside during your child’s lesson time.

Whether you prefer in person or virtual lessons is ultimately going to come down to your personal preference, but hopefully this can help you decide what will work best for you or your child! If you have a busy family or work life and your child is able to focus online, then virtual lessons may be a great fit for you. If your child has trouble focusing on a device with online classes or craves human interaction, then in-person lessons may be a good choice for you.

We encourage you to try out a virtual from the comfort of your home for the 1st trial lesson and see if online music lessons will be a good fit for you. At the end of the day as long as you’re able to learn and receive the gift of music, we are happy to be a part of your musical learning no matter where your lessons take place! 

Click here to view our current in-person vs. online lesson availability.

About Opus Music School

Opus Music School is the largest music school in Hacienda Heights, California, which is located in eastern San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles County. We offer affordable and high-quality in person music lessons and online instruction for piano, guitar, voice, drums, violin, cello, ukulele, songwriting, music production, and more. Our in-person classes occur in our facility in Hacienda Heights, and our online classes occur on Zoom with virtual digital instruction. We have piano teachers, guitar instruction, voice lessons, drum classes, for private lessons and group classes.